‘Tiddlywinks is a caring, supportive, all inclusive, incredibly friendly, warm and wonderful place for my child to spend time.’ Parent/Carer
‘At Tiddlywinks Nursery our children have always been happy, well cared for, safe, involved in lots of great activities, getting lots of fresh air and very well fed.’ Parent/Carer
‘Senior members of staff oversee the progress that different groups of children make to target teaching and learning opportunities more precisely.’
‘Staff are well qualified and demonstrate their secure understanding of how children learn and develop. They closely monitor children's progress and quickly identify any emerging gaps in their learning.’ OFSTED 2018
‘Staff use every opportunity to encourage children's independence. Children are prepared well for the next stage in their learning, such as school’
‘The key person system is implemented well to ensure that each child has a named person to take responsibility for their daily well-being, plan for their learning and build positive relationships with parents.’ OFSTED 2015