Behaviour – Positive behaviour is actively encouraged and illustrated in action and word. We aim to encourage good manners and respect for other people and property.
Key person - We operate a key person and buddy system so that each child and parent/carer has a consistent contact with whom to discuss any issues surrounding their child.
Bookings - Regular bookings can be confirmed by email around the 20th of each month for the following month. Short notice bookings will be accommodated if possible.
Sickness – Children should not be brought to the nursery if they have an infectious or contagious illness. The length of absence will depend upon the illness and the infectious period (guidance is displayed in the foyer)
Toileting – Parents/carers must supply nappies, creams and spare clothes. The parent/carer’s wishes with regard to the method and timing of toilet training will be accommodated if possible.
Personal belongings – Parents/carers are asked to name all items belonging to their child including all clothing.
Records – Registration forms are held on site for each child. Parents/carers are asked to notify us of any changes to these details e.g. contact telephone numbers. The parent/carer will be asked to choose a password that should only be known to those with permission to collect their child.
Policies and procedures – Copies of all our policies and operating procedures are available on request.